Moving from Homeschooling to Providence

Written by Laura Young on February 29th, 2016

Are you or someone you know a homeschool parent thinking about transitioning into a different type of Christian schooling?  At Providence, we love integrating homeschooled children into our program because we love working with families for whom a Christ-centered education is integral to their family vision. People who homeschool do so for a variety of reasons, but never because it is easy. It takes dedication and sacrifice and an understanding that education should never be by default, but by the determination of parents to bring up their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord in the way best-suited for their family.


If you are a homeschooling family exploring the many options for faithfully educating your children, please come check out Providence. One of our hallmarks is that we respect parents and value family and want to integrate like-minded families into our school community, a community that will look and feel different than homeschooling, but not entirely foreign as you are entering into a community of shared values, including the value of training up children to love God with the fullness of heart and mind.

Come meet our staff and students. You will immediately see that Providence school culture is particularly well-suited to welcoming new students, especially those entering from a homeschool environment. Our students are warm, engaging, respectful toward authority, and eager to integrate new people.  You would expect this at the grammar school level, but we see this over and over again at the secondary level as well.  We’ve got great kids, and we would love to introduce them to yours.

If after visiting, you would like specific strategies for helping transition your children into the Providence community, we would be happy to share ideas that others have found helpful. We can also connect you with other families who have made the transition.  Give us a call.  We would love you meet your family and to introduce ours to yours.