How to Connect and Build Community at Providence

Written by Lydia Bixby on November 2nd, 2015

Are you looking to connect and build community within Providence?  Check our Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF)!

When I first came to Providence, I found myself wondering how I would fit in and become a part of the PCCS family.  I knew I wanted to be involved in service opportunities, but I couldn’t manage being in charge.  I wasn’t sure that my skills were needed or how to connect with the existing volunteers. Perhaps you’ve had similar thoughts.

The truth is that there are many opportunities for parents to get connected and to serve our school in different capacities, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Parent Teacher Fellowship is a group of volunteers who provides support and encouragement to the Providence staff and seeks to build community by coordinating events for parents and families. Here are some examples of how the PTF supports Providence:

  • Providing staff luncheons and refreshments for parent teacher meetings.
  • Welcoming new Providence families.
  • Preparing Reformation Day Food and Décor.
  • Coordinating Teacher and Administration Christmas gifts.
  • Coordinating school-wide community events (Fall Potluck, Grandparents’ Day).

These events and others that are on the horizon, provide many opportunities to serve. If you are looking to connect and have a desire to build community within our school, there are opportunities for you!  You can run the gamut from helping with a single activity to taking on a leadership role for the year.  Either way, we would love to have you join us in serving our school community through the PTF.

Written by Lydia Bixby, PTF President